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Understanding Documents

Learn about the different kinds of documents within an agreement.

The Role of Documents in Agreements

Documents are at the core of any e-signing agreement. They consist of the main document, which is the primary focus of the signing process, and attachments that provide supplemental information.

The Main Document

  • Primary Focus: The main document is the central piece of the agreement. It contains the content that participants will sign.
  • Mandatory Requirement: For an agreement to proceed out of draft status, it must have a main document.


  • Supplemental Information: Attachments are additional documents that provide extra context or information. They are included in the signing room and the final signed document but are not signed themselves.
  • Ordering of Attachments: Attachments can be ordered according to your requirements. By default, they appear in ascending order based on the sequence they were provided in the API call.

Managing Documents in Agreements

  • Adding Documents: When creating an agreement, the main document must be added first, followed by any attachments.
  • Flexibility in Presentation: The ability to order attachments offers flexibility in how additional information is presented to the participants.